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About “Aztasarrufat”

Since 2016, "Aztasarrufat" LLC continues to contribute to the development of the non-oil sector of Azerbaijan's economy. The main activity of the company consists of growing, supplying and processing cotton at the cotton ginning facility. "Aztasarrufat" LLC mainly manufactures cotton Fiber  and cotton seed  from raw cotton. These products are mainly exported to Turkey, China and many European countries. The cotton wool produced by the company is medium fiber and has a unique color. It should be noted that Turkish "Lodus" seeds are mainly used in cotton cultivation. The company has cotton plantations, supply and collection points in Neftchala and Sabirabad, as well as cotton receiving points and a cotton processing plant in Salyan. The main priority of "Aztasarrufat" LLC is the cultivation and processing of cotton, along with it there is also a Feed Processing Plant in Salyan. Production processes at the factory are carried out according to the highest hygienic standards. A quality control system has been established, and the nutritional value and composition of the manufactured feeds are regularly tested in the laboratory. Local and imported high-quality raw materials are used in production. Today, "Aztasarrufat" LLC is in the first ranks among companies that have gained trust and confidence due to their high-quality products, as well as timely delivery of products to partners and buyers. In order to maintain the development dynamics of the State and Society, the Company carries out permanent reconstruction and modernization works in its activity centers. Based on the principle of renewal and development, the company attracts new, modern equipment, technical means meeting high standards, and professional specialists with international experience to factories and enterprises. "Aztasarrufat" LLC received a Certificate of Conformity from the "State Committee on Standardization, Metrology and Patent" for its finished products.